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Flash comment: Estonia – Wage growth accelerated in 2016


Average wages grew in all economic sectors. We expect the growth of average gross wages to slow from 7.6% in 2016 to around 5% in 2017. The growth of average gross wage accelerated to 7.6% in 2016. Net average wages

Economic growth in the last quarter of 2016 was above expectations


In 2016, economic growth reached 1.6% in Estonia. Compared to 2015 it is a 0.2 percentage point increase, but nothing to be too proud of yet. Nominal growth of GDP accelerated from 2.5% in 2015 to 3.3% in 2016. In

Swedbank Flash comment: Participation rate increased further in 2016


Labour market remained tight in 2016. Employment is expected to marginally decline and the unemployment rate to grow in 2017. In 2016, the labour force participation rate, the share of the labour force in the working-age population, increased by 1

SEB’s economic forecast: Faster growth despite political squalls

SEB Pank

Notwithstanding political squalls blowing louder than ever, the global economy is forging ahead. The acceleration in economic growth and inflation are bringing us closer to an environment that we are accustomed to seeing as normal. Nevertheless, the spreading of protectionist

Majanduse kasvu pärsib investeeringute nappus ja kesine rahvusvaheline konkurentsivõime

Eesti Konjunktuuriinstituut

Eesti Konjunktuuriinstituudi eksperdid-analüütikud hindasid detsembris Eesti majanduskliimat 5,5 punktiga (skaalal 1-9), mis on 0,2 punkti halvem kui eelmisel vaatlusel septembris. Eratarbimist hinnatakse heaks ja investeeringute olukorda taas ebarahuldavaks. Tööstuse-, ehituse- ning kaubandusettevõtete juhtide hinnang majanduskonjunktuurile on parem pikaajalisest keskmisest. Samas

RE/MAX alustab aastat uue kinnisvarabüroo avamisega Tartus


Aasta algusest tegutseb Tartus maailma suurima kinnisvaravah endaja RE/MAX kaubamärgi all uus maakleribüroo RE/MAX Aaba Kinnisvara. Alates 2004. aastast Aaba Kinnisvara kaubamärki kasutanud ettevõte, mida juhib kutseline maakler Eneken Tikk, hakkab nüüdsest kasutama RE/MAX oskusteavet ja ülemaailmse müügivõrgustiku eeliseid.  

Flash comment Estonia – Prices increased by 0.1% in 2016


Consumer price index increased by 0.1% in 2016. Higher excise taxes on alcohol, tobacco, and motor fuels contributed positively, while cheaper energy had the biggest negative impact on prices. The prices of alcoholic beverages and tobacco were around 6% higher

Swedbank Macro Research


Construction in Baltics will rebound for now Contraction is temporary Residential sector is stronger, at least in Estonia and Lithuania Construction costs will rise, but export potential is there Construction in Baltics will rebound for now

Estonia Flash comment: Investments and inventories had the strongest negative impact on GDP growth in the third quarter


Statistics Estonia revised up to 1.3% its second estimate of the third quarter yoy GDP real growth in Estonia (flash estimate was 1.1%). Compared to the previous quarter, GDP grew by 0.2% (swda). Economic growth has decelerated a bit this

Baltic Sea Region Report


Half-hearted reforms will not raise competitiveness and boost growth • Mind the risks to long-term growth  • Exports hold the key to future growth in the Baltics  • The services sector – stronger, smarter and more diversified  Mind the risks to

ERE Grupp: maksutõus viib ettevõtluse „varju“

ERE / Estonian Real Estate

Mistahes ettevõtete maksukoormuse suurenemine viib selleni, et suurem osa ettevõtteid hakkab maksudest kõrvale hiilima. Seetõttu tuleks riigil väga ettevaatlikult läheneda maksusüsteemi reformimisele, on veendunud ERE Grupi spetsialistid. „Täna kasutatava õhukese maksusüsteemi peamine eelis seisneb selles, et ettevõtted saavad tegutseda täiesti

Swedbank flash comment Estonia: Rapid wage growth continues


• Wage growth remained rapid in the 3rd quarter at 7%, over the year. • We expect average gross wage to slow to around 5% in 2017. In the 3rd quarter of 2016, the average monthly gross wage was 1,119

Baltic Horizon Fond avaliku pakkumise ja noteerimisprospekti lisa

Baltic Horizon

Northern Horizon Capital AS (Fondivalitseja) kui Baltic Horizon Fond (Fond) fondivalitseja teatas 8. novembril 2016 uute Fondi osakute täiendava avaliku pakkumise ja noteerimisprospekti (Prospekt) registreerimisest Finantsinspektsioonis. Fondivalitseja avaldab, et 22. novembril 2016 registreeris Finantsinspektsioon Prospekti lisa. Prospekti lisa sisuks on

Despite meagre GDP growth, several economic indicators have improved


Economic growth in Estonia continued to be weak in the 3Q. According to the flash estimate, Estonian economy grew 1.1% yoy and 0.2% qoq (seasonally and calendar adjusted). The GDP has increased 1.1% yoy during the first three quarters. We

Baltic Horizon Fond täiendavate osakute avaliku pakkumise teade

Baltic Horizon

Northern Horizon Capital AS (Fondivalitseja) kui Baltic Horizon Fond (Fond) fondivalitseja korraldab kuni 37,131,000 uue osaku täiendava avaliku pakkumise. Fondi uute osakute arv võib suureneda veel 22,279,000 võrra, s.t. kuni 59,410,000 uue osakuni (Uued Osakud), kui Fondivalitseja otsustab kasutada Suurendamise

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23.04.2024 Korteriühistu põhikirja ja kodukorra koostamine