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Estonian Real Estate: praegu on õige aeg väiksemate korterite ostmiseks

Kinnisvarahinnad Eestis näitavad taas kasvutendentsi. Viimasel aastal kasvas kinnisvaraturg 20% võrra. Selleks, et võtta osa turu arendamisest ja investeeritud raha mitte kaotada, kui hinnad hakkavad taas langema, tuleks mõelda väiksemate korterite ostu peale, kuna turu tendents pole veel eriti mõjutanud

The financial means of Tallinn residents to purchase an apartment in dormitory suburbs are in a state of decline

In terms of current income and property prices, residents of Riga and Vilnius can now purchase a bigger standard apartment than a year ago, with the housing purchasing power index showing the biggest growth in Vilnius over the last 12

BPT Baltic Opportunity Fund acquires Domus Pro, a retail development project in Vilnius, Lithuania

In its fourth acquisition, the BPT Baltic Opportunity Fund is in the process of acquiring a retail development project in Vilnius, Lithuania, from Danish developer TK Development A/S. The project known as Domus Pro Retail Park has substantial pre-letting in

EPI Baltic I property fund managed by BPT and Amplion sells a portfolio of five assets in Estonia

EPI Baltic I, a fund managed by BPT Asset Management and Amplion, has sold a portfolio of five assets in Estonia to EfTEN Real Estate Fund, managed by EfTEN Capital. The portfolio is diversified with one retail asset and four

Estonian Air müüs oma peahoone Tallinna Lennujaamale

AS Estonian Air müüs neljapäeval AS-ile Tallinna Lennujaam Lennujaama tee 13 asuva peahoone. Estonian Air jätkab neljakorruselise hoone kahe ülemise korruse kasutamist pikaajalise rendilepingu alusel. “Estonian Airi peahoone müük on osa ettevõtte restruktureerimisprotsessist, mille käigus oleme otsustanud müüa äritegevuseks mittevajaliku

Eesti Kinnisvarafirmade Liit kuulutab välja 2013.aasta kinnisvarateemaliste üliõpilastööde konkursi

EKFLi poolt välja antava preemia eesmärgiks on läbi tunnustuse tähelepanu juhtimine kinnisvara majandussektorile, uute ideede ja rakenduste toetamine erialaliidu poolt. Preemia „Säravaim kinnisvaratäht“ määratakse konkursile esitatud parima magistritöö autorile ja preemia „Tõusev kinnisvaratäht“ määratakse konkursile esitatud parima bakalaureusetöö või rakenduskõrgharidusõppe

Expert: Law Tilted Toward Tenants, Away from Landlords

An administrator at the Real Estate School says the part of the Law of Obligations Act that governs leases is skewed in favor of tenants and should be rewritten. Tõnu Toompark, a board member at the school, which trains realtors

Expert: Law Tilted Toward Tenants, Away from Landlords

An administrator at the Real Estate School says the part of the Law of Obligations Act that governs leases is skewed in favor of tenants and should be rewritten. Tõnu Toompark, a board member at the school, which trains realtors

Euroopa parim investeerimisvõimalus – Eesti

The Telegraph ajaleht valis 2012.a. halvimad ja parimad sündmused Inglismaal ja maailma kinnisvaras toimunust ning Eesti valiti “European investment opportunity of the year” vääriliseks. Artiklis mainitakse ka Jõelähtmel asuvat Estonian Golf & Country Club’i arendust ning golfi, mis näitab uut suunda arenduses

DTZ Property Times Baltic Industrial/Logistic H1 2012

Positive trends have been noticed in Estonian and Lithuanian industrial and warehouse markets. However, Latvia is experiencing slower growth in sector’s investment transactions. Industrial and warehouse sector has reached to slight increase phase, nevertheless, rapid increase in demand towards newly

Real Estate Prices In Estonia See Fall In July 2012

According to a recent article in the Estonian Press Digest from News2Biz, July 2012 saw something of a fall in real estate prices in Estonia as a whole, but at the same time real purchasing power (in Tallinn) for those

Statistics: Real Estate Investment In Estonia Increases 24 Per Cent Y-o-Y

According to a report by Tõnu Toompark on his adaur blog, investment in real estate in Estonia has increased by 24 per cent y-o-y to the first quarter of 2012. Citing figures from the Estonian Statistics office, investments from  Estonian companies

Apartments For Rent In Tallinn Increase Y-o-Y Slightly In Number, Greater By Rent Price

There has been a y-o-y increase in rental prices in Tallinn of 18 per cent, to July 2012, according to Tõnu Toompark on his adaur blog. This undoubtedly is connected with the short supply of rental properties in Tallinn at the

Redevelopment Of Train Station Area In Tallinn, Estonia Up For Tender

As recently reported on this blog, one of the up and coming areas of Tallinn is the area surrounding the train station, merging into the Kalamaja and Pelgulinn neighbourhoods. Our faith in this seems to be bearing fruit; according to a

Estonia’s Credit Rating Affirmed At A1 By Moody’s

Bond credit raters Moody’s Investor Services have affirmed Estonia’s A1 government bond rating and stable outlook. As reported on this blog, Fitch had already upped Estonia’s rating to A+, so this is more good news. The rating was based on factors including the

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25.04.2024 Üürikoolitus