Uudiste arhiiv


Tartu üüriturg: Sel aastal ei näe me hinnatõusu ega -langust

Arco Vara

Kevad toob Tartu üüriturule suurema liikumise, sest paljud õpilased ja tudengid lõpetavad nii koolid kui sügisel sõlmitud üürilepingud. Liikvele lähevad ka need üürijad, kes pole senise pinnaga rahul ja vaatavad uue järele, kirjutab Arco Vara Tartu piirkonna juht Tarvo Tamme.

Uuringu järgi moodustab eluaseme väärtus keskeltläbi poole eraisikute varast

Eesti Pank

Peamine elukoht on Eesti leibkondade kõige kallim vara: selle väärtus moodustab keskeltläbi poole kõigist varadest Viiendiku reaalvaradest moodustavad varad ettevõtetes, mis leibkondadele kuuluvad ja kus nad töötavad Suurima osa Eesti leibkondade finantsvaradest moodustavad pangahoiused; finantsvarade osakaal varades on teiste euroala

Economic growth slowed to 1.1% in 2015


In 2015, economic growth amounted to 1.1% in Estonia as the volumes of stocks and exports decreased. We expect GDP growth to accelerate to 2.3% in 2016 on the back of higher exports and investments. In 2015, economic growth reached

The housing affordability index (HAI) increased to 129.2 in Vilnius, 160.1 in Riga, and 153.4 in Tallinn


In Tallinn, affordability rose by 4.2 points in the fourth quarter last year compared with the same period in 2014, mainly due to a 6.6 % rise in net wages, which continued to surpass the apartment price growth. In Riga,

Wage growth at around 6% for the second year in a row in 2015


Average monthly gross wage increased by 6.0%, net wage in real terms by 8.0% in 2015 We expect average gross wage and real net wage to grow by around 5% in 2016 Average monthly gross wage amounted to 1,065 euros

Weak export demand behind the sluggish economic growth


According to the flash estimate of Statistics Estonia, GDP grew by 0.7% yoy in Estonia in 4Q 2015. The growth rate met our expectations. Compared to the previous quarter, GDP grew by 1.2% (seasonally and working day adjusted). In 2015,

Ajaloorubriik: Vene-Balti asumi põnev ajalugu

Vene-Balti Laevaehitustehas

Paljud teavad Kopli liinidena tuntud piirkonda Tallinnas. See moodustab aga vaid ühe osa põneva looga kunagise Vene-Balti laevaehitustehase asumist, täpsemini Kopli asumi Vene-Balti allasumist. Enne tehaste asutamist oli Kopli poolsaare tipus tammemets ja see oli ilus väljasõidukoht eelkõige baltisakslastele, aga

Eesti Puitmajaliit ja Eesti puitmajaklaster kuulutavad kuuendat korda välja konkursi „Aasta tehasemaja“

Eesti Puitmajaliit

Eesti Puitmajaliit ja Eesti puitmajaklaster kuulutavad kuuendat korda välja konkursi „Aasta tehasemaja.“ Eelmise aasta võitja, Nordic Houses KT OÜ tegevjuht Argo Saul sõnas, et saadud võit oli ettevõttele väga heaks motivaatoriks: „Esiteks oli see suur tunnustus kõikidele meie töötajatele mis

The housing affordability index (HAI) increased to 130.9 in Vilnius, 159.8 in Riga, and 146.8 in Tallinn


In Tallinn, affordability rose by 4.9 points in the third quarter of this year compared with the same period in 2014, mainly due to a 7.9% rise in net wages, which was higher than apartment price growth for the first

The residents of the Baltic capitals can afford an increasingly large flat in dormitory suburbs

SEB Pank

A survey by SEB shows that in terms of current income levels and property prices, residents in the Baltic capitals can now become owners of bigger standard flats of dormitory suburbs than a year ago. SEB home purchasing power index*

Economic growth in Estonia decelerates sharply in the 2H2015


According to the second estimate by the Statistics Estonia, the GDP growth in Estonia decelerated to 0.7% yoy in 3Q2015, while compared to the previous quarter the GDP decreased by 0.4% (seasonally and working-day adjusted). Primarily construction, transport and manufacturing

Statistics: Number of permits for use for housing more than doubles in a year

Kinnisvaraanalüütik Tõnu Toompark, Adaur Grupp OÜ / Kinnisvarakool OÜ

According to Statistics Estonia, 983 units of housing received permits for use in Estonia in Q3 2015. These are some of the highest levels in the past five years, more than double the number of permits for use a year

Out of the three Baltic states, Estonia shows the highest popularity of using a home loan to buy a home

SEB Pank

Compared to the other Baltic states, Estonians are more inclined to take out loans to buy their own homes, SEB’s latest economic analysis of households in the Baltic states reveals. Owning one’s home instead of renting it is significantly more

The residents of the Baltic States rarely move

SEB Pank

Compared to the rest of Europe, the residents of the Baltic States rarely move house. People chiefly move for family-related reasons, reveals the new Baltic Household Outlook prepared by SEB. The residents of the Nordic countries move most often. As

Merko: Skanstes Parks korteriarendusprojekti käivitamine


AS Merko Ehitus kontserni kuuluv SIA Merks on käivitanud Riias Skanstese piirkonnas Skanstes Parks korteriarendusprojekti, mis hõlmab kolme kortermaja ligikaudu 140 korteriga. Ettevõte alustab esimese 52 korteriga hoone ehitust aadressil Grostonas 12. SIA Merks on Skanstese piirkonda rajanud varem Skanstes

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Kinnisvarakoolis järgmisena:

30.04.2024 Kinnisvara müügikoolitus