Uudiste arhiiv


In Latvia and Estonia the highest growth of average wages among Baltics

SEB Pank

Due to a reduction in labour taxes, average net (after tax) wages in the first half of 2015 in Estonia and Latvia rose at a quicker pace than gross wages. In Lithuania the average net wages rose a little bit

Balti riikides elatakse kolmandiku võrra väiksemal pinnal kui Euroopas keskmiselt

SEB Pank

Euroopa Liidu keskmine eluaseme suurus on 96 ruutmeetrit, kuid Balti riikides peab keskmine leibkond leppima 63-67 ruutmeetriga. Üheks oluliseks põhjuseks on eramajas elavate inimeste väike osakaal, selgub uuest  SEB koostatud Balti perede majandusanalüüsist. Enamuses Kesk- ja Ida-Euroopa riikides jääb keskmine

Homes of Baltic residents are smaller than the European average by a third

SEB Pank

The average housing size in the European Union is 96 m2. However, in the Baltics, an average household must cope with 63–67 m2. A new financial analysis of Baltic households organized by SEB reveals that this is, in part, caused

Eastern European Outlook, October 2015

SEB Pank

The dual-track economic picture in Eastern (including Central) Europe will persist over the next two years. Conflict-plagued Russia and Ukraine will show continued weakness. In Russia, recession will linger during 2016 too, as plunging oil prices rebound only weakly and

Growth in corporate and household deposits remains fast

Eesti Pank

The volume of loans and leases to Estonian companies and households was the same at the end of August as in July at 15.8 billion euros. This meant the financing portfolio had increased by 3.5% since August last year. Annual

Swedbank: Risks at the housing market


Growth of house prices one of the fastest in Europe House prices have grown faster than households’ incomes Surge in supply should slow future price growth Growth of house prices one of the fastest in Europe Of the 27 countries

Merko: Kortermaja arenduse käivitamine

Sõpruse 33 , Tallinn

AS Merko Ehitus on käivitanud Tallinnas Kristiine linnaosas asuva Sõpruse pst 33 kortermaja arenduse, hoone valmimine on planeeritud 2016. aasta lõppu. B-energiamärgisega 5-korruselise kortermaja (www.merko.ee/sopruse33) arhitekt on Velle Kadalipp, hoonet ilmestavad erinevad fassaadikattematerjalid ning klaasliftid. U-kujulise kortermaja hoovi rajatakse privaatne

Moderate economic growth, yet risks have increased

SEB Pank

Economic statistics for the past week revealed that the Estonian economy grew a lot more last year than was previously thought. The growth of GDP in the second quarter can also be regarded as being good. At the same time,

Swedbank: The Estonian Economy


Why worry about wage growth?  Wage growth accelerated again Not sustainable in the longer term Exports have to recover Wage growth accelerated again Gross wage growth has been around or above 5% since 2011. In the first half of 2015,

Swedbank: Wage growth accelerated


Monthly gross wages amounted to 1,082 euros, +5.8%, yoy, in Q2. At the same time, net wages were up by 7.3% in real terms because of 0% inflation and lower labour taxes. The growth of gross wages accelerated from 4.5%

Northern Horizon Capital sells BPT Real Estate to BaltCap

In a transaction signed on 13 August 2015, Northern Horizon Capital A/S will sell its property management subsidiary BPT Real Estate AS to a private equity fund managed by BaltCap. The transaction is subject to approval by competition authorities and is expected

EfTEN ostis E.L.L. Kinnisvaralt Šiauliais asuva Saules Miestase kaubanduskeskuse


Baltimaade juhtivaid kinnisvaraarendajaid E.L.L. Kinnisvara müüs EfTEN Real Estate Fund III AS-ile oma 100%-lise tütarettevõtte UAB Titvesta, millele kuulub Saules Miestase kaubanduskeskus. Tehingu maksumus on poolte kokkuleppel konfidentsiaalne. Leedus asuva kaubanduskeskuse omandamine on esimene EfTEN Real Estate Fund III investeering. EfTEN Real Estate Fund

Eestlaste arusaam oma kodust on muutumas

DTZ Kinnisvaraekspert

Meie inimesi on läbi aegade ikka iseloomustanud uskumus, et oma kodu on midagi väga erilist. Võrreldes Lääne-Euroopaga on meil kodu omamine palju rohkem väärtustatud, eluaegne üürilise staatus ei ole siin kunagi olnud eriti populaarne. Vastupidi, oma kodu on ikka olnud

The housing affordability index (HAI) increased to 131.5 in Vilnius, 149.1 in Riga, and 144.1 in Tallinn


In Tallinn, affordability rose marginally by 0.9 point in the first quarter this year compared with the same period in 2014, due to a 36-basis-point-decrease in interest rates. In Riga, the HAI increased by 2.1 points because wage growth outpaced

The financial assets of Baltic families are growing despite low deposit interest rates

SEB Pank

In 2014, household deposits grew in all three Baltic States due to the rise in incomes, trust towards banks, and also due to the adoption of the euro in Lithuania. This year the volume of financial assets is expected to

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23.04.2024 Korteriühistu põhikirja ja kodukorra koostamine