Uudiste arhiiv


Üürigarantii võimaldab kinnisvarainvestoril nautida passiivset tulu

Investorid, kes ostavad uude majja korteri väljaüürimise eesmärgiga, teenivad oma investeeritava kapitali väga paljudel juhtudel väljastpoolt kinnisvarasektorit, ehk nad teenivad oma sissetuleku muudes valdkondades kui kinnisvara. See aga võib tähendada ettenägematuid probleeme ja kulusid kinnisvarainvesteeringuga. “Oleme näinud mitmeid investoreid, kes

Swedbank Flash comment: Economic growth accelerates to 4.2% yoy in the third quarter


In the third quarter, Estonian GDP growth accelerated to 4.2% yoy in real terms. Compared to the previous quarter GDP increased 0.4%, seasonally and working day corrected. In nominal terms, GDP increased 9.5% in the third quarter and 8.5% ytd.

Swedbank Flash comment: Wage growth remains rapid and broad-based


In the third quarter, the average full-time gross wage amounted to EUR 1291, up by 7.5%, in a year. Median wage reached EUR 1000, +10.0%, over the year, according to the Tax Board. The average gross wage increased in all

Newsec and Redgate Capital signed a partnership agreement


Changes in Baltic region‘s real estate field are happening – international real estate consulting company Newsec and Baltic investment banking company Redgate Capital signed a partnership agreement to offer real estate services to clients in Estonia. Redgate Capital‘s real estate

Capital Mill on parim logistika- ja tööstussektori arendaja Eestis

Capital Mill

Eesti juhtiv kinnisvarainvesteeringute ettevõte Capital Mill teenis maineka majandus- ja investeerimisajakirja Euromoney kinnisvaraturu uuringus logistika- ja tööstussektori kategoorias esikoha. Capital Millil on viimase aasta jooksul selles sektoris valminud või valmimas mitu olulist objekti. Näiteks Eesti ühe suurema elektroonikatööstuse Éolane Tallinn

Swedbank: Middle class in the Baltics


The Baltics get closer to the Western middle class income standard, but income inequality remains an issue A strong and well-off middle class, a sign of lower income inequality, important for economic growth Middle class incomes have grown substantially in

Swedbank: Housing affordability index improved in Riga and Vilnius but fell in Tallinn in the second quarter 2018


The housing affordability index (HAI) increased to 184.8 in Riga and 131.7 in Vilnius, but decreased to 156.3 in Tallinn. In Tallinn, the HAI fell by 3.1 points in the second quarter of 2018, compared with the same period in

Uus Maa: Market review August 2018

Uus Maa

Even though the number of transactions in August was only higher than that of July, the real estate market in Tallinn has still been active, which is confirmed by the fact that in the first eight months of the year,

1Partner: Endiste ministeeriumite hoonete müük jääb ära: sinna kolivad ametnikud


Justiitsministeeriumi üks Tõnismäel asuv endine hoone jääb praeguste plaanide kohaselt riigile, ka ei hakka Riigi Kinnisvara AS (RKAS) lähiajal müüma vanalinnas Harju tänaval asuvat endist majandusministeeriumi hoonet, kirjutab err.ee. “Justiitsministeeriumi hoone, mis asub Tõnismägi 5a, jääb edasi riigi kasutusse ning

Swedbank: Estonian GDP growth accelerated to 3.7% in the 2nd quarter


Real GDP growth in Estonia accelerated to 3.7% yoy in the second quarter of 2018. The growth was stronger than in the first quarter (3.3%). In the first half, GDP growth was 3.5% in real terms. The acceleration of the

Swedbank: Wage growth decelerated in the 2nd quarter


In the second quarter, the average full-time gross wage amounted to EUR 1321, up by 6.4%, in a year Swedbank expects gross wage to grow by 6.6% in 2018 and by 6.0% in 2019 Consumption remains moderate Wage growth decelerated

Swedbank: Is the housing market overheating?


Although housing affordability in Estonia has improved, compared with the peak of the last real estate boom, it has stayed at the same level for the past four years. Households’ confidence in purchasing or building a home has improved in

Tradehouse avas aadressil Peterburi tee 47, enam kui 7700 m2 suuruse esinduse

Capital Mill

Eesti suurim professionaalne ilukaubamaja Tradehouse avas 29. juunil Peterburi teel enam kui 7700 m2 suuruse peahoone, laiendades sellega oma äritegevust ning viies koolitusmaastiku uuele tasandile. Multifunktsionaalne komplekshoone hõlmab hulgiladu koos logistikakeskuse, jae- ja hulgikliendi müügialaga, koolituskeskust koos ilutööstusele vajalike õppeklassidega,

Swedbank: Housing affordability index improved in Tallinn and Riga but worsened in Vilnius in the first quarter 2018


The housing affordability index (HAI) increased to 182.0 in Riga and 152.0 in Tallinn, but decreased to 133.1 in Vilnius. In Tallinn, the HAI rose by 5.9 points in the first quarter of 2018, compared with the same period in

Swedbank: Wage growth accelerated in the first quarter


The growth of the average gross wage accelerated to 7.7%, over the year, in the first quarter of 2018. Families’ assessment of their financial situation is the highest on record. Rapid wage growth continued in the first quarter, around 8%,

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23.04.2024 Korteriühistu põhikirja ja kodukorra koostamine