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Ober-Hausi Kinnisvara Baltikumi turuülevaade 2018


Tutvustame Baltikumi suurima kinnisvarabüroo Ober-Hausi poolt koostatud eelneva aasta turuülevaadet, mis hõlmab regiooni kõiki kolme pealinna – Tallinna, Riiat ja Vilniust – ning kajastab nii elukondlikus kui ärikinnisvaras toimuvat. Maksuteemalised kommentaarid on lisanud rahvusvaheline audiitor-ja konsultatsiooniettevõte PricewaterhouseCoopers (PWC) ning juriidilist

Uus Maa: Market review February 2018

Uus Maa

Even though February brought colder weather, it did not prevent the conclusion of sale/purchase contracts for previously agreed real estate transactions. Compared to January, the number of transactions increased by 19, and by 114 compared to last February – in

Swedbank: Housing affordability index improved in Riga and Vilnius, but decreased in Tallinn in the fourth quarter of 2017


The housing affordability index (HAI) increased to 186.3 in Riga, and 129.9 in Vilnius, but decreased to 151.5 in Tallinn. In Tallinn, affordability decreased slightly by 0.3 point in the fourth quarter of 2017, compared with the same period in

Swedbank: Increasing Estonian exports’ market share in Finland will be more challenging


Estonia’s exports to Finland are the most diversified among the largest trade partners Exported goods from Estonia have gained market share on the Finnish market Estonia is losing its price competitiveness against Finland Finland is Estonia’s largest export partner. Among

Swedbank: Wage growth was rapid and broad-based


The growth of the average gross wage decelerated to 6.5% in 2017. Swedbank expects the average gross wage to grow by 6% and the real net wage by 9% in 2018. The growth of the average gross wage decelerated to

Swedbank: Estonia’s GDP growth was broad-based and the fastest of last six years


In 2017, Estonia’s GDP growth accelerated to 4.9% in real terms and to 9% in nominal terms. Economic growth was the fastest of last six years. The growth exceeded our expectations (our recent forecast in January was 4.4%). The growth

EstateGuru entered the Spanish market


As the economies of the European Union’s countries are on a rising trend, one cannot underestimate the growth of the Spanish market. According to CBRE, the Spanish economy has an expected growth of 2.5% compared to the European average 1.6%.

Economic overview of SEB in the Nordic countries: strong and broad-based economic growth

SEB Pank

The rapid and broad-based strengthening of the world economy that occurred in 2017 has exceeded expectations. High employment rates and increasing wealth sparks optimism in people, which is apparent in the increased spending of households. Improved demand has increased the

Uus Maa: Market review december 2017

Uus Maa

Active December added an impressive final touch to another year of growth in the real estate market. 1942 transactions were made in December, which was more than average across the year, but the median price of the transactions increased to

Swedbank: Inflation accelerated to 3.4% in 2017


Inflation picked up last year due to higher commodity prices and an increase in excise tax rates. Higher excise taxes added 0.9 percentage point to inflation in 2017. Among different products and services, food and non-alcoholic beverages contributed the most.

Swedbank: Housing affordability remains high in all three Baltic capitals in the third quarter of 2017


The housing affordability index (HAI) increased to 148.6 in Tallinn, 177.2 in Riga, and 124.8 in Vilnius. In Tallinn, affordability increased by 2.9 point in the third quarter of 2017 compared with the same period in 2016, as apartment price

Uus Maa: Market review november 2017

Uus Maa

Classics would describe the November market review as ‘All Quiet on the Western Front’. November did not have any surprises in store for the market, the aftermarket activity was good, and real right contracts for new developments were mostly concluded

Swedbank: Heart-warming growth is a poor excuse to postpone reforms


Growth at its cyclical peak Productivity is the key to income convergence in the Baltics Sustainable development – where do we stand? Universal basic income – utopia or an urgent necessity? Growth at its cyclical peak The upswing in global

Swedbank: Robust GDP growth continued in 3Q2017 as expected


In 3Q2017 Estonian GDP expanded 4.2% yoy and 0.3% qoq (swad) in real terms. In nominal terms, GDP increased by 8.9% yoy. During the first three quarters, GDP has increased by 4.8% yoy in real terms. The major contribution to

Swedbank: Wage growth remained rapid in Q3


Wage growth remains relatively high as labour demand increases more than supply. Swedbank expects the average gross wage to grow by around 5% and the real net wage by close to 9% in 2018. The growth of the average gross

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