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Swedbank: Prices increase more than wages in Estonia


Annual inflation reached 8.8% in November. The prices of energy and food contributed the most. Price growth is likely to accelerate further in December. The rise in prices is expected to decelerate next spring. Inflation picked up as expected. Inflation

Swedbank: Wage growth accelerated in Estonia


The growth of the average monthly gross wage accelerated from 4.9% in the first quarter to 7.3% in the second quarter. Wage growth picked up speed due to a very low base one year ago, when the corona crisis hit

Swedbank: The outlook is bright, but clouds surround us


The economic recovery over the past year has been impressive. In many countries, economic output was already back at pre-crisis levels this summer. Stronger-than-expected development during the second quarter has caused us to revise up the growth outlook for the

Swedbank: Inflation accelerated in Estonia


Inflation picked up from 3.6% in May to 3.8% in June. Motor fuels and electricity contributed the most. In 2021, consumer prices are expected to grow by 2.6%, around the same as before the crisis. Price pressures have increased in

Swedbank: Estonian economy recovered from the recession faster than expected


Economy grew by 5.4% annually (non-adjusted) and 4.8% quarterly (seasonally and working day adjusted) in Q1. The result exceeded our expectations and was the strongest among European countries (according to the numbers published so far). The restrictions continued to affect

EfTEN Real Estate Fund III: Saules Miestas kaubanduskeskuse kinnistul restoranihoone valmimine ja KFC restorani avamine

EfTEN Real Estate Fund III

Täna, 20.05.2021 avatakse Saules Miestas kaubanduskeskuse kinnistul fondi Leedu tütarettevõtte UAB “Saules Miestas” poolt rajatud hoones KFC (Kentucky Fried Chicken) frantsiisi all tegutsev kiirtoidurestoran koos drive-in osaga. Tegemist on esimese uue KFC restoraniga Leedus. Hoone üürniku „APL FRESH FOOD“ UAB-ga

EfTEN Real Estate Fund III: Completion of the construction works of the restaurant building on the property of Saules Miestas shopping center and opening of the KFC restaurant

EfTEN Real Estate Fund III

Today, 20.05.2021, a fast-food restaurant with a drive-in, operating under the KFC (Kentucky Fried Chicken) franchise will be opened. The new separate building was built by the fund’s Lithuanian subsidiary UAB “Saules Miestas” on the existing property of Saules Miestas

Swedbank: The Estonian economy is recovering from the crisis

In 2020, Estonian GDP fell by 2.9% in real terms and 3.4% in nominal terms. The result was close to our expectations – our forecast, published in January, was -2.7%. In addition, GDP results for the first three quarters were

Swedbank: The Estonian economy is recovering from the crisis


In 2020, Estonian GDP fell by 2.9% in real terms and 3.4% in nominal terms. The result was close to our expectations – our forecast, published in January, was -2.7%. In addition, GDP results for the first three quarters were

Swedbank: Estonian economy rebounded rapidly in the third quarter


In the third quarter of 2020, Estonian economy dropped by 1.9% y/y in real terms (seasonally and working day non-adjusted). Seasonally and working day adjusted GDP rose by 3.3% q/q. The result was close to our expectations. In the first

Metsä Wood kutsus suvel Eestis kogunenud Euroopa arhitektuuritudengeid uudseid kujundusi looma

metsä wood

Augustis Valgas toimunud Euroopa arhitektuuritudengite kohtumise EASA 2020 üheks osaks oli modulaardisaini võistlus Metsä Woodi virtuaalsel koostööplatvormil Open Source Wood. Et auhinda võita, pidid tudengid looma platvormil saada olevate moodulite ja elementide jooniste abil puidust mitmekorruseliste hoonete kujundusi.    EASA

1Partner: Kinnisvaraeksperdid soovitavad praegu korterit “hoida”


1Partner Kinnisvara viis Eesti suuremate kinnisvarabüroode ekspertide hulgas läbi uuringu, mille kohaselt soovitab 45,5 protsenti vastanutest praegu Tallinna korterit “hoida” ning 42,4 protsenti “osta”. Uuringu kohaselt andis üheksa kinnisvarabüroo ekspertidest vaid 12,1 protsenti müügisoovituse. 1Partner Kinnisvara juhi Martin Vahteri sõnul

1Partner: Kinnisvaraekspertide hinnangul on üürihindade langusega selleks korraks kõik


1Partner Kinnisvara viis Eesti suuremate kinnisvarabüroode ekspertide hulgas läbi uuringu, mille kohaselt prognoosib 85% vastanutest, et Tallinna korterite üürihinnad on selle aasta lõpus mullu sama ajaga võrreldes 10-20 protsenti madalamad, kuid langus on juba ära toimunud. Üheksa kinnisvarabüroo ekspertidest 45,5

1Partner: Kinnisvaraekspertide hinnangul on üürihindade langusega selleks korraks kõik


1Partner Kinnisvara viis Eesti suuremate kinnisvarabüroode ekspertide hulgas läbi uuringu, mille kohaselt prognoosib 85% vastanutest, et Tallinna korterite üürihinnad on selle aasta lõpus mullu sama ajaga võrreldes 10-20 protsenti madalamad, kuid langus on juba ära toimunud. Üheksa kinnisvarabüroo ekspertidest 45,5

Uuring: kinnisvaraekspertide hinnangul jäävad korterite hinnad püsima


1Partner Kinnisvara viis Eesti suuremate kinnisvarabüroode ekspertide hulgas käbi uuringu, mille kohaselt prognoosib 85 protsenti vastanutest, et Tallinna korterite hinnad on selle aasta lõpus mullusega samal tasemel või alla kümne protsendi madalamad. Üheksa kinnisvarabüroo ekspertidest 51,5 protsenti prognoosis, et Tallinna

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Kinnisvarakoolis järgmisena:

28.05.2024 Kinnisvara arendusprojekti juhtimine